Just thought I'd add...


Guess he'd best start going to work then! LOL

Yes, he's had yet another day off though he did intend to go when he first got up this morning - even got as far as driving some of the way there before he hit a major traffic snarl-up and decided that enough was enough, (plus he had a long meeting scheduled for today which he didn't think he could sit through given that he is still in some pain)!

So, when I got up this morning and discovered a fresh pot of hot coffee sitting in the kitchen I was, to say the least, a lil confused as I distinctly remembered him kissing me 'n' the lil man goodbye before he set off for work, (though I was, admittedly, mostly asleep at that point)!

Anyway, the poor guy's napping on the couch right now and the lil man's crashed out on the floor of his playpen, (for the third time in two days).

I had to go out and get the Hubs some prescription painkillers this afternoon - two days after phoning the doc's to ask for them, (and what a bloody farce that was - twice I phoned up and specifically ask for painkillers and the dumbarses phoned up at lunchtime today and asked Hubs if it was more of his medicine he was after!! WTF is up with that?!!! Don't they understand bloody English??! ***insert extremely pissed off smiley here*** )!

The poor man was in absolute agony and they just fannied about before getting back to us!
If the lil guy had been asleep the afternoon of the day that I had phoned I woulda gone over there and sorted them out myself but I couldn't take him with me and be fully pissed off in front of him nor could I leave him with the Hubster in such a state.

Arseholes! They're about as much use as a chocolate teapot!!!!

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You'd think it was Christmas!

But it's not - it's Halloween, well, almost anyway!

I don't know what on earth I was doing these past two Halloween weekends but I know I can't have been at the mall - I'd have remembered being run over by hoardes of kiddiwinks and their grabby parents!!!

The scale of this one pagan holiday is massive in this country - it's unbelievable!

We made the mistake of going to the mall today. Well, it didn't seem like a mistake when we parked up as the Nordstrom's carpark had spaces.
That should've clued us into the fact that something was up as it's a Sunday and it's usually a rare thing to find an inside parking space.
Naturally, after observing this, we expected the mall to be, well, a lil more roomy but that wasn't the case!

We saw witches, pumpkins, clowns and fairies galore, (and also one lil boy who was dressed up as Malfoy though his skin wasn't as pallid).
There was a line of princesses clutching onto a long blue ribbon as they wound their way between the stores, led by a parent.

Nearly every child had a bag or one of those plastic pumpkins with handles and all anticipated filling it, (and their lil stomachs) with candies which were being handed out in the stores and also the stalls running up the centre of the mall.

One bloke offered Josh a small candy-filled bag which I declined on the grounds that 1) he's not of an age to be eating sweets and, 2) he probably gets enough crap as it is!
That put him straight!!

What a bloody nightmare! Honestly - the place was jam-packed! We only wanted to visit one store and the food court, that was it.

Hubs asked me whether I thought that the children or their parents were worse when it came to sheer bloodymindedness - the parents had my vote as at least the kiddies were aware that people were trying to pass by whereas the parents were taking up all the space and moving at a pace a snail would be ashamed of!!!!!!

Oh well, that's something we'll not to have to put up with this time next year! *L*

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Good grief it's freezing!!!!!!

I think the title says it all!

My nose is froze, my fingers are froze - the rings on my fingers are spinning around like the wheels of a car with every keystroke!

I think my body temperature has finally returned to normal after the last pregnancy, (it's only taken a year or so...)!! I'm actually feeling cold with a jacket on - must dig out some rollneck sweaters.

My car has been showing a temperature of 10.5℃ during the day - I don't think I'd like to see what it would say at night!


I've just read another interesting, (though short) article in Reader's Digest about a guy who deliberately gets hypothermic for a living - he must be nuts!

The Hubster is feeling somewhat better after two days of medication though the blisters still give him pain or, rather, the area of the blistering hurts. His skin is so sensitive that when I was stood behind him earlier, fairly close, and I raised my hand to scratch my nose, he flinched. I hadn't touched him at all! I guess he must have sensed it though and that was enough to make him think that maybe I had.

He's still kipping on the bunkbed downstairs as he wouldn't be able to cope with the lil man whacking him at all during the night when he comes in bed with us. Hopefully he'll be back upstairs soon.

Talking of which - look at the bloody time!

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Getting ready for his casket? I think not!!!!

Well, Hubs is feeling a tad better today, thankfully! Love the bloke, obviously, but men, when they get just the tiniest bit sick or in pain, on the whole, are the most annoying, whiny things ever!
Just one lil sniffle and they're at death's door!!!

I'm just glad that he's kept his disease to himself cos I definitely don't need it on top of my own problems.

Now I'm going to drag him, against his wishes cos he wants to stay home and brood and feel sorry for himself, off to Starbucks for a cuppa - he needs to get out particularly as he spent all day at home yesterday, (yes, another day off)!

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It's not very often I have a good vent but...

...this one time I'll make an exception!

Just wanted to rant about some twat who doesn't know his arse from his elbow when it comes to visas.

It's not on VJ either. Some dick who came over and married on a tourist visa is trying to tell me that I don't know diddly about the K1 process and all the dos and don'ts - particularly when it comes to visiting the States.

***insert rolling-eyed pissed off want to smash his face in smiley here***

Oh, and he's an LPR. Ooooh, that must make him the voice of authority mustn't it?! What an absolute tosser!!!!!!

I'm tired after last night's escapades - I'm allowed to get wound up over an internet forum!

That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!

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And there's more!

Yes, it is I! Still up thanks to a certain lil person who decided that he didn't want to stay asleep.

Well, may well have been partly my fault too as I brought my puter up from downstairs and thought I'd catch up on the latest Holby/Casualty happenings in bed, (I did have my headphones on though)!

He's now wriggling around beside me in bed and is probably thankful, (despite his ignorance to the fact) that I have less than 25 minutes of juice left in this puter and my lead is downstairs! Right now, though, he's trying to decide whether he should be chomping on binky 1 or binky 2 - decisions, decisions!

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Dunno what's going on here - I can't get to sleep!

Hubs is downstairs kipping on the bunkbed, the lil guy is flopping around like a hooked fish in his crib and the dog has restless legs, that is, he won't just bloody lie down and stay there - oh no! He has to get up and wander around, maybe mosey on downstairs for a lap at his water and to click his b!tch nails on the floor of the kitchen. It's driving me nuts!!!

I think I'll just have to shut the bedroom door so I don't have to listen to him.

As for me, I'm sat here in Hub's office, AKA the bathroom tapping away at this keyboard and keeping an ear out for the lil man. I can't just lie there in bed if I can't sleep and I'm hoping that a lil theraputic writing will help send me off to the land of nod.

I haven't heard anything more from my bro's girlfriend on the impending birth and mum's none the wiser so I guess nothing's happened as of yet. Hopefully there'll be some news soon so I can finish the lil one's card and get it in the mail.

Speaking of mail - I got the paperwork through off mum, from the bank to fill in. Not a problem but, they want a certified copy of my marriage certificate signed in front of a solicitor - what's that all about?! It has a seal on it and official signatures which makes it certified but why the heck would they need any other signature? Maybe to say that the copy is not made up or anything but you can't notarise something like that.
Oh well, I guess I'll just have to phone the bank and ask what the deal is - I can't think of any other solution and I don't wanna muck it up.
Knew I should've sent a copy of that certificate back with mum at the time...

My hindsight is still spot-on 20/20!

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Another day - another day off!

Or, well, half a day anyway! *L*

Hubs was feeling so poorly last night that I told him that he was going to see the doctor today instead of waiting til the weekend.
He protested feebly, (well, not like he really had the energy to be doing much more than that anyway) and insisted that he really did have to go in for a lil while at least so I told him that I'd be phoning and making him an appointment in the morning.

So, he went into work this morning and then phoned me at 11am to tell me he was starting to make his way back home again, (poor love)!

The doc, this afternoon, confirmed his suspicion that he had shingles, of all things and gave him several scrips to be filled.

Josh spent his time in the waiting room fruitfully by keeping everyone in fits of giggles - all he was doing was laughing! LOL That's my boy!

Sort of connected but not, Hubs made me laugh the other night when he mentioned his suspicion about the shingles - said his dad had gotten them after falling off the roof, (cracked up the ladies in reception when I mentioned that one)!

OK, time to go and either make us chilli for dinner or placate the lil guy - can't decide which is more important! *L*

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Another day...

...With my wonderful Hubs at home! *L*

He's actually been helpful while I've been recuperating from my visit to the mouth butcher.
For the second night running he's let me sleep on my ownsome downstairs while he gets the bed upstairs - he also gets sole supervision of the lil man during the night which means I can get some restorative sleep down here, (which is the main aim of all this seperate beds business)!

He was on a bit of a downer earlier when he discovered that the gold on one of the watches he wanted to sell, (to help fund our move) was just plating and was starting to wear off. Now he'll get nowhere near the price he wanted for it and is debating whether or not to sell his beloved Panerai instead.
I really hope he doesn't have to as it has sentimental value, (we got both his and mine on the same day) and, despite the emotional ties I have to my Rolly, I think I would rather that he sold that instead.

I'm kinda kicking myself as I've gotten myself hung up on 'stuff' since I've been here in the States. It's the same trap that so many have fallen into and it's hard to get out of that way of thinking but it's something that has to be done cos living in the UK is not really about having 'stuff', though it's nice, it's more about quality of life and time together there, (at least to my mind it is).

Still, so far, so good, as far as the moving funds are concerned. We've not done bad considering we've not concentrated too much on it, (well, to be honest, I haven't given it much thought yet anyhow)!
We've a ton of stuff to put out there to be sold - it's just a matter of jotting down details and getting them out there for people to see.

Well, I should call it a night - just over 5 hours til Hubs has to get up for work so I need to get some sleep in to make this seperation worthwhile!

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Well, kinda, sorta! It sure took some working to get that darn tooth out and it felt like the dude had hold of a nerve too!

Now, touching a nerve doesn't hurt in your usual, traditional way - it's like touching metal paper to a filling - not fun!!!!!

It seemed like it took him ages to get that lil bugger out - I don't remember the last one being so bloody hard to pull or taking so long either!

Next week I'm due to have the top one pulled which, apparently, shouldn't be so much of an ordeal.

Yeah, er...sure!

Oh, and I forgot to mention that the guy used enough anaesthetic to knock out a bull elephant and still I could feel that 'nerve pain'!!!!!

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Just my luck!

I will be having my first brush with the dental practise in this wonderful country this afternoon and it'll probably cost as much as a small used two door hatchback.

I am so not looking forward to this!

I detest going to the dentist and the price I have to pay is toothache. Ugh! Sometimes I wish they'd just pull the bloody lot out and give me dentures - teeth are nothing but a pain from the moment they pop up in your mouth, (the lil man would confirm this)!

Hubs has taken the day off of work, (of course he protested loudly against this - NOT) in order to take me to the mouth butcher and also to look after the lil man whilst I'm incapacitated and is already considering the thought of having to take tomorrow off too - to care for me and the lil man, of course!

I keep telling myself not to panic about going to the dentist - what's there to be worried about? I've had three kids with little to no pain relief - at least I know that the anaesthetic works at the dentist!!! A couple of jabs in the gums, a spot of dry mouth cos you've forgotten how to salivate and no pain - no problem, right?!
Well, we'll see - it's been a while since the last time...

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Money makes the world go round, (if we didn't have money would the world be square)?!

The aim is to have money, to make money, to live comfortably, to not have to worry about bills or whether you can afford something.

Hubs and I would like to work from home, to make our money working for ourselves - my speciality being crafts, (I've made some necklaces which I hope to sell) and painting and Hubs' being photography and writing.
Sounds great, doesn't it?
Well we both hope that it works out for us.

My personal inspiration doesn't even know that she is a role model of sorts for me. I have not even met her in person yet what she does spurs me on to my goal.
I started talking to Pauline over two years ago on the internet. I met her through an excellent marriage-based immigration site - visajourney, (which was called something else entirely back then).
Since that time, she, like me, was granted her fiancé(e) visa, came to the States and married her, then, fiancé.
Whilst here, she painted rocks and made FiMo characters and sold them. Though she hasn't made her fortune yet she is perservering with her chosen method of generating money and I've not heard her complain about it at all!
She and her husband have moved back to the UK where she continues to make the FiMo characters but now mainly produces cake toppers!
Her husband is also planning a work at home business and, hopefully, will do as well as his wife. *L*

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Thoughts on moving back.

Back again! I just wanted to spend some time writing about what we're looking forward to with this move of ours.

I'm going to enjoy finding furniture for our place - scouring second-hand shops, that kind of thing. We should have the finances available, (at first, at least) for me to be a lil choosy about the decor and furnishings which means that I can make the place look real nice on a budget. That's something I've not been able to do before, start from scratch.

I'm looking forward to rediscovering England again while showing the place off to Hubs and our lil man. Taking them places that mean something to me and introducing them to people I know. Hubs has only met mum and Mark, Josh only knows my mum.
I know that Bruce and my dad are gonna get on so well! *L*

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Just testing what this will come out like. The gifs don't seem to move as smoothly on here as they should though. I have some real good gifs that I've been waiting for just the right moment to use and, typically, they've not come up!
Oh well!

Now, time for something completely different!

I was reading an article in Reader's Digest last night about a woman who writes about true crimes when it suddenly hit me - she reminded me of Jessica Fletcher from Murder She Wrote!
I had to chuckle when I thought of that.
It wasn't the fact that she wrote about these crimes but that the crimes she was writing about were happening around her, (and I'm not talking about 'minor' things such as robbery or the like - we're talking major killer types here)!!!!
Scary shit! Not the sort of person you'd want to hang around with! lol

Well, I'm off and chatting with my lil bro's girlfriend - their second baby is due in two weeks' time but they're hoping for her to be induced tomorrow. Fingers crossed!!!!!! :)

More later...

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So far, so good!

I got some excellent news today - my bank account in the UK is still open despite my not having put any funds in there whatsoever!
My mum has sent over some paperwork to be signed as my account is still in my previous married name and she's also put our friend Sam onto finding us some accommodation to move into when we get back!
She's a star!!!! :)

Oh I'm so looking forward to moving back! I've missed the takeaways and Tescos, (my boys too but, that goes without saying)!!! :)

Hopefully we'll get a decent enough place which won't cost us a fortune every month - fingers crossed!

More later - the lil man requires some attention...

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First post - starting all over again!

Well, here I am again, not that you knew I'd been here before but I have!
I must've started about half a dozen of these things with lapses so massive in-between that I've been forced to start a new blog due to forgetting minor things like passwords and the like!
This one, however, I intend to keep up with and write down all the exciting stuff that happens to me on a daily basis cos, of course, my life is peppered with thrills 'n' spills!

***insert eye rolling smiley here***

Still, doesn't matter, maybe I'll bore myself into silence on here instead.

OK, so, where do I start today? Or should that be tomorrow - it is after midnight after all! Or, maybe I'll have to wait til tomorrow now as Hubs has just announced that it's bedtime.

Who am I to argue?!! *L*

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