Another day - another day off!

Or, well, half a day anyway! *L*

Hubs was feeling so poorly last night that I told him that he was going to see the doctor today instead of waiting til the weekend.
He protested feebly, (well, not like he really had the energy to be doing much more than that anyway) and insisted that he really did have to go in for a lil while at least so I told him that I'd be phoning and making him an appointment in the morning.

So, he went into work this morning and then phoned me at 11am to tell me he was starting to make his way back home again, (poor love)!

The doc, this afternoon, confirmed his suspicion that he had shingles, of all things and gave him several scrips to be filled.

Josh spent his time in the waiting room fruitfully by keeping everyone in fits of giggles - all he was doing was laughing! LOL That's my boy!

Sort of connected but not, Hubs made me laugh the other night when he mentioned his suspicion about the shingles - said his dad had gotten them after falling off the roof, (cracked up the ladies in reception when I mentioned that one)!

OK, time to go and either make us chilli for dinner or placate the lil guy - can't decide which is more important! *L*

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