
On crocheting, that is! I just can't seem to stop and while I'm working on this first project of mine I'm busy plotting the next or, in this case, taking time out from the first to start work on the second - I'm just an impatient mare!

It started off as a quest to learn so that I could do crochet beadwork but it has developed into an all-consuming passion to knock out piece after piece of woolliness!

My first project was, (and still is) making a blankie for the lil man comprising of several strips of varying shades of blue which is taking a lil while to complete. I fully intended to make a matching cushion for him too - project completed in two days using a big hook and some thick yarn, I was very pleased with the result but, since finishing that, I've bought several publications on crochet, (including patterns, some of which I
still have to work out as, to the uninitiated, it looks like gobbledegook) and have trawled the net for crochet patterns and websites. Consequently, I happened upon a pattern for a striped scarf, similar to one I saw in South Moon Under, (and probably costing a small fortune - that store is a rip-off and caters to badly-dressed stick insects) and, so, here I am again, taking another break from project #1 in order to get to grips with the big hook and thick yarn once more!

Christmas is looming on the horizon, (well, on Saturday actually) and my lil fake tree is sat on the floor behind the sofa awaiting ornamentation and a place to sit out of the reach of the lil man, AKA Mr Destructo!
There is every possibility that it might be decently dressed come Christmas day but, at the rate I'm going with my crocheting I wouldn't hold my breath!

Oh, yeah, and, talking of Mr Destructo - I'm having to use the Hubster's puter at the moment as I think the lil man has been tapdancing on my keyboard and, since yesterday, the damn thing has been whirring away and refusing to work properly.
I am not a happy bunny as my lil puter is great plus I had all my bookmarks sorted, (including a ton of them for crochet and beadwork) and now I'm having to try to remember what I can - which isn't a great amount - in order to get around on Hubby's puter.
So, I will probably wait until after Christmas so that the crowds in the mall don't piss me off too badly and I can take my lil puter into the Apple store to get it sent off and fixed.
Thank God the Hubster got an extended warrantee on it!

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Finally found five minutes, (while the lil guy is having his 'bubbles') in which to jot down a few happenings here.

I've been busy in the run-up to our lil gathering of my fave ladies and their respective spouses in Philly, which happened last Saturday, what with getting on with my beading projects, painting an original pot in which to stand our fake lil Christmas tree, (not getting a full-sized one this year for several reasons) making cookies and then getting us all ready for the 'off' on Saturday morning so I've not had much time to put anything down in my blog.

Our Philly meet was, as always, brilliant and well-worth the travel, (which wasn't too bad this time as our directions were so much simpler, plus we knew where we were going anyway)!

It was great to see everyone again and finally to get to meet Gareth, also to get a full turn-out for the occasion. *L*

I'm gonna miss these meets when it's time for us to leave here. Hopefully we'll get in one more before we go though cos I've just got to meet lil Gidget and give her a big hug!!!!

Anyway, we had a wonderful time and the lil guy behaved himself for the most part. He got awfully tired after about four hours of socialising so we had to call it a day then as there was no way he'd conk out with so much going on around him.

I noticed, after I'd put him in his car seat, that one of his shoes was missing which Hubs was most gutted about as, a) they were a brand new pair and, b) he really liked them! So he went about retracing our steps to try and find it and, wouldn't you know, the damn thing was there, underneath the open passenger door, where it had fallen off when I'd swung the lil guy into the car! About ten minutes later, Hubs re-appeared to me rejoicing the fact that the shoe wasn't lost after all! Hoorah!!!

We found our way to our hotel ok, despite the directions which told us to hang a right instead of a left which would've taken us to Atlantic City instead of Cherry Hill and, I would like to say that we got a restful night's sleep before heading home the next day but that wasn't the case! The lil man was in full restless sleep mode - add a strange bed into the mix and that equals sod all shuteye for yours truly!!

Still, I thoroughly enjoyed my weekend away! *L*

The drive back home was uneventful enough though Hubs got me thinking when he mentioned a fleeting thought that he'd had one evening while putting the lil guy into bed - another child!

This was something I'd not given much thought to considering that the lil guy is my third child and also that I've not particularly enjoyed much of any of my pregnancies due to the horrible affliction that is known as SPD and all the pain that it entails. Add babies that just refuse to sleep through the night until they are about two and, well, where's the attraction?! lol

Still, as I refuse to get anything permanent done to end my child-bearing capabilities I might well have a re-think on my current stance on having another ankle biter - well, in another three or so years anyway!
At least, by then, we'll be well-established back in the UK and I have such good experiences with the midwifery system that I may be more inclined to entertain the thought of adding to the family...

Well, the lil guy is now asleep so, back to the grindstone or, actually, the crochet hook as I am currently teaching myself how to crochet so I can do some crochet beadwork, (which looks particularly stunning, I might add) - gotta know all these techniques if I want to produce good-looking quality stuff! *L*

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