Another day...

...With my wonderful Hubs at home! *L*

He's actually been helpful while I've been recuperating from my visit to the mouth butcher.
For the second night running he's let me sleep on my ownsome downstairs while he gets the bed upstairs - he also gets sole supervision of the lil man during the night which means I can get some restorative sleep down here, (which is the main aim of all this seperate beds business)!

He was on a bit of a downer earlier when he discovered that the gold on one of the watches he wanted to sell, (to help fund our move) was just plating and was starting to wear off. Now he'll get nowhere near the price he wanted for it and is debating whether or not to sell his beloved Panerai instead.
I really hope he doesn't have to as it has sentimental value, (we got both his and mine on the same day) and, despite the emotional ties I have to my Rolly, I think I would rather that he sold that instead.

I'm kinda kicking myself as I've gotten myself hung up on 'stuff' since I've been here in the States. It's the same trap that so many have fallen into and it's hard to get out of that way of thinking but it's something that has to be done cos living in the UK is not really about having 'stuff', though it's nice, it's more about quality of life and time together there, (at least to my mind it is).

Still, so far, so good, as far as the moving funds are concerned. We've not done bad considering we've not concentrated too much on it, (well, to be honest, I haven't given it much thought yet anyhow)!
We've a ton of stuff to put out there to be sold - it's just a matter of jotting down details and getting them out there for people to see.

Well, I should call it a night - just over 5 hours til Hubs has to get up for work so I need to get some sleep in to make this seperation worthwhile!

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