Thoughts on moving back.

Back again! I just wanted to spend some time writing about what we're looking forward to with this move of ours.

I'm going to enjoy finding furniture for our place - scouring second-hand shops, that kind of thing. We should have the finances available, (at first, at least) for me to be a lil choosy about the decor and furnishings which means that I can make the place look real nice on a budget. That's something I've not been able to do before, start from scratch.

I'm looking forward to rediscovering England again while showing the place off to Hubs and our lil man. Taking them places that mean something to me and introducing them to people I know. Hubs has only met mum and Mark, Josh only knows my mum.
I know that Bruce and my dad are gonna get on so well! *L*

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