It's not very often I have a good vent but...

...this one time I'll make an exception!

Just wanted to rant about some twat who doesn't know his arse from his elbow when it comes to visas.

It's not on VJ either. Some dick who came over and married on a tourist visa is trying to tell me that I don't know diddly about the K1 process and all the dos and don'ts - particularly when it comes to visiting the States.

***insert rolling-eyed pissed off want to smash his face in smiley here***

Oh, and he's an LPR. Ooooh, that must make him the voice of authority mustn't it?! What an absolute tosser!!!!!!

I'm tired after last night's escapades - I'm allowed to get wound up over an internet forum!

That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!

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