Just testing what this will come out like. The gifs don't seem to move as smoothly on here as they should though. I have some real good gifs that I've been waiting for just the right moment to use and, typically, they've not come up!
Oh well!

Now, time for something completely different!

I was reading an article in Reader's Digest last night about a woman who writes about true crimes when it suddenly hit me - she reminded me of Jessica Fletcher from Murder She Wrote!
I had to chuckle when I thought of that.
It wasn't the fact that she wrote about these crimes but that the crimes she was writing about were happening around her, (and I'm not talking about 'minor' things such as robbery or the like - we're talking major killer types here)!!!!
Scary shit! Not the sort of person you'd want to hang around with! lol

Well, I'm off and chatting with my lil bro's girlfriend - their second baby is due in two weeks' time but they're hoping for her to be induced tomorrow. Fingers crossed!!!!!! :)

More later...

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