
Dunno what's going on here - I can't get to sleep!

Hubs is downstairs kipping on the bunkbed, the lil guy is flopping around like a hooked fish in his crib and the dog has restless legs, that is, he won't just bloody lie down and stay there - oh no! He has to get up and wander around, maybe mosey on downstairs for a lap at his water and to click his b!tch nails on the floor of the kitchen. It's driving me nuts!!!

I think I'll just have to shut the bedroom door so I don't have to listen to him.

As for me, I'm sat here in Hub's office, AKA the bathroom tapping away at this keyboard and keeping an ear out for the lil man. I can't just lie there in bed if I can't sleep and I'm hoping that a lil theraputic writing will help send me off to the land of nod.

I haven't heard anything more from my bro's girlfriend on the impending birth and mum's none the wiser so I guess nothing's happened as of yet. Hopefully there'll be some news soon so I can finish the lil one's card and get it in the mail.

Speaking of mail - I got the paperwork through off mum, from the bank to fill in. Not a problem but, they want a certified copy of my marriage certificate signed in front of a solicitor - what's that all about?! It has a seal on it and official signatures which makes it certified but why the heck would they need any other signature? Maybe to say that the copy is not made up or anything but you can't notarise something like that.
Oh well, I guess I'll just have to phone the bank and ask what the deal is - I can't think of any other solution and I don't wanna muck it up.
Knew I should've sent a copy of that certificate back with mum at the time...

My hindsight is still spot-on 20/20!

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