Good grief it's freezing!!!!!!

I think the title says it all!

My nose is froze, my fingers are froze - the rings on my fingers are spinning around like the wheels of a car with every keystroke!

I think my body temperature has finally returned to normal after the last pregnancy, (it's only taken a year or so...)!! I'm actually feeling cold with a jacket on - must dig out some rollneck sweaters.

My car has been showing a temperature of 10.5℃ during the day - I don't think I'd like to see what it would say at night!


I've just read another interesting, (though short) article in Reader's Digest about a guy who deliberately gets hypothermic for a living - he must be nuts!

The Hubster is feeling somewhat better after two days of medication though the blisters still give him pain or, rather, the area of the blistering hurts. His skin is so sensitive that when I was stood behind him earlier, fairly close, and I raised my hand to scratch my nose, he flinched. I hadn't touched him at all! I guess he must have sensed it though and that was enough to make him think that maybe I had.

He's still kipping on the bunkbed downstairs as he wouldn't be able to cope with the lil man whacking him at all during the night when he comes in bed with us. Hopefully he'll be back upstairs soon.

Talking of which - look at the bloody time!

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