
I've been mulling this over for the past couple of days before deciding to 'commit' this event to my blog but I've come to the conclusion that it's best to put these things down in writing so I don't have to mull over them anymore.

A couple of nights back I met the most ignorant American I've ever had the misfortune to come into contact with.

Now, I respect that someone, anyone, ha
s the right to their own religious and personal beliefs - that's something I need to say before I continue with my vent, of sorts.

Anyway, we were at the bookstore, as we usually are after having had our evening Starbucks, and the lil guy was playing, (sort of) at the train table over in the kiddies' section when this boy appears and starts trying to make the tractor, (minus it's tracks) move on the train tracks.
He looks about 7 or so, fairly quiet compared to the kids that usually frequent the place and come into contact with the lil man, (he usually gets 'em smiling at him at the very least).

Before long, his mother and big sis roll up and his mother settles herself in one of the chairs, the daughter sits down on the floor at the mother's feet.
Soon after, we strike up general chit-chat, talking about
our kids, about how I'm from England, how she used to go out with some English bloke for about three years and travel, that sort of thing.
She mentions that her daughter would like to go to school in England, talks about the cost and blah-de-blah-de-blah.

I just happen to mention about the amount of American expats there are living over in the UK and she starts waffling on something about them coming from Vietnam - totally confusing me and getting me thinking 'what the heck is she on??!'

Next thing she's asking about the stereotypical Brit. Ummmm, helloooooo!!! Didn't you used to go out with one missus?? She just came across as sooooo ignorant!
That said, she asked about the ability to spot an American abroad to which Hubs replied that Americans stand out a mile because of their naff dress sense and arrogant, patronising manner!

After all this guff the woman's talk turned back towards raising children and she then proceeded to tell me which books I should read and how she and her husband had been to some seminar about these books and how it was all connected to God.

Well, that was about enough for us - Hubs turned to me and suggested that it was time for us to go home!

All the way to the truck he was ranting about this woman and how it was people like her who made him want to not wait to get out of this country!

Both of us sincerely hope that we don't have the misfortune to bump into this woman again.

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Little ones...

...are such funny things!

Take my lil man, for instance. He loves his books, can't get enough of them at home and spends so much time looking at them or bringing them over for us to read yet take him to the bookstore and all he wants to do is play with the train table!

He's such an intelligent lil boy - he's figured out that if you press the button in the garage then the, (newly fixed) garage door moves up or down. He has also, this evening, worked out how to put the surround-sound system on. We spent about five minutes listening to the Fresh Prince of Bel Air, not watching it, before he decided to turn it off again.

The sudden onset of sound didn't disturb him in the least. His daddy, however, was a different matter - he was upstairs in the bathroom at the time but heard the almighty sound of the surround system.

Once he was finished in the bathroom he came out complaining about the inconsiderate neighbours having a party and being extremely noisy! He called them bloody A-holes!!! LOL
I had to laugh and remind him that we don't have the same neighbours we used to, now it's just one lady that lives next door by herself and it wasn't her that was having a house warming party tonight!
Then I told him off for calling his son an A-hole!!

It was funny, though I guess I'd best fix the cabinet doors so the lil munchkin won't be pulling that stunt again!

Oooh and I forgot to add the best part about this evening! *L*

We were in EMS, (outdoors store) earlier and one of the lil man's fave ladies who works there offered us her services as a babysitter cos she thinks he's brill!!!
She gave us her phone number and said to give her a call if we want her to look after him sometime.

Y'know when you can just tell whether someone's a good 'un or not? Well, I have that feeling about her and, though she offered references if we wanted them, I declined. She just comes across as a totally nice person and she 'n' the lil man have a blast whenever we go into that store!

So, there's every possibility of us going out for one of they 'date nights' sometime and I'm well-excited about it - I've not been out socially of an evening for, ooohhh, about three years or so!!!

Now, if the Hubster would just have the consideration to finish not being well we could start planning! *L*

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Can't get you out of my head!!!!!!

That bloody Blackeyed Peas tune, that is!!!

After la
ughing myself silly at it almost every time I heard it I now have that tune going round and round and round in my head!

I'm even cranking the car stereo when it comes on on the radio!

"What you gonna do with all that junk, all that junk inside your trunk? I'm g-g-g-gonna get you drunk, get you love drunk on my hump"

When does the madness end???!!!!!

I put it all down to the catchy tune, rather than the lyrics but, damn you Blackeyed Peas, I can't help but si
ng along!

Why is it that if you take a real disliking to a song that you know all the words to it? What is up with that??! Have I been assimilated? Was resistance totally futile??

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Things are looking up!

Hubs went back to see the doc yesterday, (it meant he had to leave work early but who is he to complain)!! *L*

He was given 'long-term' meds to help make him better and some percocet for the pain. He took two of those straightaway and was happy not to be feeling any pain for the first time in nearly a month!
His other meds should kick in in a day or so and, hopefully, it won't be long til I have my daft bugger back again - it's been too bloody long!

The lil man slept all night last night, (which might or might not have had anything to do with the dose of Motrin I gave him before bed) and we both had a lie-in til 9 this morning which would have been more beneficial if I hadn't have been waiting up til after 2am to see if there would be a repeat of previous nights! Still, I'm not complaining but Hubs better get back to sleeping in our bed again soon cos this staying up too late malarky is becoming a bad habit!

Here's hoping that both my 'boys' are totally sorted now and we can get on with all the stuff that needs doing to move.

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As predicted...

...2 o' clock came and the lil guy woke!

I'm not totally certain what the deal is with this - whether it really is teething or not but he didn't require any Tylenol to help get him back to sleep, (mind you, he did get a dose when he was in the bath but I'm sure it would've worn off by now - that was well over 4 hours ago)!

Still, he's now laying on his back in the starfish position, head down towards the end of the bed, on top of the covers and, he's asleep!!! *L*

Must be my turn to finally get some kip now.

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...I'm dragging the Hubster off to the docs again.

After having the day off on Monday he was feeling better today, well, he was up until this evening.

Two biggy painkillers later and he's still feeling the pain - time to re-evaluate.

To top it off the poor guy only stumbled into the ladder of the bunkbed in the dark and stubbed his toe, bigtime!!! It didn't take his mind off the other pain - just added to it.

At that point, he was definitely not having a good day!

Thankfully he's kipping now and so is the lil man who, for the past few nights, has been waking up, just like clockwork, at around 2am, (hence the reason why I'm up so late, just waiting for the inevitable)!

We think he's teething - again!!!!! I guess 12 teeth just aren't enough for him and he wants the full set already!

Just when he starts settling into a routine of sorts and starts sleeping through the night, his teeth decide to pop through in a painfully slow, drawn-out process.

I guess I shouldn't complain too much - he's never been ill in his life so I've not had to cope with croup or ear infections or stomach upsets.

Full-on exposure to germs must be behind it, (we're talking here about the lil guy who enjoys a good gnaw on a shopping cart while I'm perusing the goods at the store) plus there's every possibility that my superhuman immune system might've been passed onto him too! *L*

That's my boy!!!

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Been a bit of a slacker...

...with posting on here recently, (hence yesterday's post just to reassure myself that I am still capable of putting something, anything, on here)!

We actually got downtown yesterday, for the first time in almost three months, to have lunch at ACME and see our friends in the jewellery store.

They invited us to their 'red carpet do' on the evenings of the 2nd and 3rd of next month, which was dead nice of them. Unfortunately, there are two reasons why we won't be there - 1) cos we don't have a babysitter and 2) cos we're up to Philly on the 3rd, (hopefully to make a weekend of it).

So, well, that's that one scuppered!!!

It would've been nice to have gone but, nevermind! Once we move back to the UK I'm sure we'll have more opportunities to go out and have a social life, (something I've not had for about three years)!
The lil guy will be able to go stay with his grandparents for a night or two so we can go out or chill out! YAY!!! *L*

Speaking of the grandparents - my dad emailed me this evening to tell me he'd gotten Hubs a 'toy' on eBay for when we move over. He's only gone and spent £200 on a film camera for him, (Canon EOS 1)!

Great! you may think and, yes, indeed it is but my dad hasn't even met Hubs yet! LOL
Still, they have a lot in common, (and only ***scarily*** 11 years age difference - that's less than is between me 'n' the Hubster) and I know that they're gonna get on like a house on fire!

On the subject of Hubs, well, he was feeling better yesterday - we thought he was over the worst of it and starting to feel like his old self again, (though he woke with a crick in his neck) and then, today, it was the same ole, same ole with that bloody nerve pain giving him grief once more!

He is so thoroughly sick and tired of feeling sick and tired and also sleeping downstairs, (he doesn't find the bunkbed comfortable at all).

I, as much as he, can't wait for him to be better again cos it's wearing me down too.


I just hope this ends soon.

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Time for a lil light relief...

Now gissa kiss you miserable sod!!!!!! *L*

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She's finally here!!!!

My brother's girlfriend finally had her baby - a lil girl, born today at 10.28am, (GMT) and weighing in at 7lb 3oz, (much to her mother's relief, I'm sure)!!!

She named her Amy Anne. *L*

I'm not sure whether her middle name was chosen because it's mine or not, (though it would be extremely flattering if it was the reason)!

I'm looking forward to seeing some piccies of the family's newest edition, hopefully soon as mum has said that they're hoping to be out of hospital today, (something I wanted to do after the lil man was born but they wouldn't let me cos I was bleeding like a stuck pig)!!

Now I feel the urge to go out and buy lots of pretty pink and frilly things but it'll have to wait until I've gotten dressed!

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I've not been posting on here these past few days cos I've either been tired, busy or both.

I just don't know where my days have gone!

The lil man's not been sleeping so well for a few nights which means I've not either. Hubs is still kipping downstairs but he is getting better, slowly. His rash is fading but he still has bouts of pain along the nerve which was affected. I had to get the poor guy some more prescription painkillers on Monday, (actually had no hassle whatsoever this time when I phoned the doc's)!

These painkillers are so strong that he let me drive his truck back from having had our evening cuppa last night cos he was feeling out of it!

As I was driving us back I could see the flashing lights of an ambulance coming up behind us, speeding in our direction. When I first tried to move across to the other lane the knob who was in that lane but just behind us tried to speed up and stop me moving over but then he must've spotted the lights too and deigned to let me in.

I was so angry at him that I could've gotten out and given him a mouthful - tosser!

To top my evening off I only went and let go of one end of a necklace I was halfway through making and all the beads fell on the floor! Pillock! They were seed beads too - the smallest and most fiddly ones to thread!!


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My friend received the groceries this evening, (the poor delivery guy had to haul it all up three flights of stairs to her but apparently did it all in one go)!!!! *L*

She is pleased as punch, particularly as she'd just run out of milk for her lil guy and Pepsi for herself, (had to add some treats for her, she's had a rough time of it since moving to MD).

Bless her! I'm so glad I could do a lil something to help her out and very proud of her other friends, (albeit ones that she's not even met in person) who have taken the time and trouble to get together some other gifts for her and the lil man. They are a wonderful bunch of ladies!

They'll not get to read this blog but they know how much they are treasured for being such warm and wonderful people.

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Charity begins at home?

This evening we received not one, not two but three 'begging' phone calls from the cops asking for donations!

Since when have they been a bloody charity? Don't they get paid? Don't they have health insurance? Don't they pay social security and/or have their pensions set up? Don't they have college funds for their offspring?

If they don't it isn't my bloody fault and they should get their house in order!

Good grief! You don't get this sort of crap back in ole Blighty!

I just find it sooooooo irritating!

This piccy expresses my sentiments totally - f%&* off you bunch of scroungers!!!!!

Besides, after shelling out over $500 to get the garage door fixed yesterday I'm not in the most charitable mood, (in case you haven't guessed)!

On a slightly different note, I managed to sort out a nice parcel for my friend, (in need, bless her) and she should be getting it tomorrow so she'd best be in to accept it! *L*

Oh how I'd love to be a fly on the wall at that moment as she has absolutely no idea what, exactly, is arriving, just that she has to be there for a package and I'll be looking on my birth club forum to check if she's gotten it tomorrow evening!
Now that cheers me up no end and I'm really excited about it!!

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Busy, busy!

I don't really have time to be sitting around doing this but I thought I'd best put something down as the post I made yesterday vanished into thin air, (my own fault though)!

I got the dude coming over this afternoon to fix the garage door, (finally - it's been broke since before I moved over here) and I have to get to FedEx to ship a watch off to it's new owner.
I also have to get together a lil care package for a friend of mine who's fallen on hard times. Three of us are sending her some presents and she doesn't know a thing about it! I know we're supposed to be saving our pennies but this gal is running short and her needs are greater right now, particularly as she has a lil one about the lil man's age.
I can't decide whether to get her some gift cards or just go onto the grocery store's site and order her some stuff, (they'll deliver to her door).
If I was in England I'd know exactly what to order but people's tastes are different over here.

Oh well, I'll look more closely at the site later and make a decision. *L*

Hubs is finally back to work - he went back yesterday but almost called it quits due to a mistake that his boss made, (which he later corrected her on) so we're still on schedule and the ticker stays!

He's still in some pain, (particularly as he forgot to take his meds to work with him yesterday) and still kipping downstairs but he is getting better.
Hopefully he'll be much better by next week!

Well, now seems like the best time to get my shower as the lil man is busy watching Nick Jr.

Time to get on with the day! *L*

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