
...I'm dragging the Hubster off to the docs again.

After having the day off on Monday he was feeling better today, well, he was up until this evening.

Two biggy painkillers later and he's still feeling the pain - time to re-evaluate.

To top it off the poor guy only stumbled into the ladder of the bunkbed in the dark and stubbed his toe, bigtime!!! It didn't take his mind off the other pain - just added to it.

At that point, he was definitely not having a good day!

Thankfully he's kipping now and so is the lil man who, for the past few nights, has been waking up, just like clockwork, at around 2am, (hence the reason why I'm up so late, just waiting for the inevitable)!

We think he's teething - again!!!!! I guess 12 teeth just aren't enough for him and he wants the full set already!

Just when he starts settling into a routine of sorts and starts sleeping through the night, his teeth decide to pop through in a painfully slow, drawn-out process.

I guess I shouldn't complain too much - he's never been ill in his life so I've not had to cope with croup or ear infections or stomach upsets.

Full-on exposure to germs must be behind it, (we're talking here about the lil guy who enjoys a good gnaw on a shopping cart while I'm perusing the goods at the store) plus there's every possibility that my superhuman immune system might've been passed onto him too! *L*

That's my boy!!!

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