Been a bit of a slacker...

...with posting on here recently, (hence yesterday's post just to reassure myself that I am still capable of putting something, anything, on here)!

We actually got downtown yesterday, for the first time in almost three months, to have lunch at ACME and see our friends in the jewellery store.

They invited us to their 'red carpet do' on the evenings of the 2nd and 3rd of next month, which was dead nice of them. Unfortunately, there are two reasons why we won't be there - 1) cos we don't have a babysitter and 2) cos we're up to Philly on the 3rd, (hopefully to make a weekend of it).

So, well, that's that one scuppered!!!

It would've been nice to have gone but, nevermind! Once we move back to the UK I'm sure we'll have more opportunities to go out and have a social life, (something I've not had for about three years)!
The lil guy will be able to go stay with his grandparents for a night or two so we can go out or chill out! YAY!!! *L*

Speaking of the grandparents - my dad emailed me this evening to tell me he'd gotten Hubs a 'toy' on eBay for when we move over. He's only gone and spent £200 on a film camera for him, (Canon EOS 1)!

Great! you may think and, yes, indeed it is but my dad hasn't even met Hubs yet! LOL
Still, they have a lot in common, (and only ***scarily*** 11 years age difference - that's less than is between me 'n' the Hubster) and I know that they're gonna get on like a house on fire!

On the subject of Hubs, well, he was feeling better yesterday - we thought he was over the worst of it and starting to feel like his old self again, (though he woke with a crick in his neck) and then, today, it was the same ole, same ole with that bloody nerve pain giving him grief once more!

He is so thoroughly sick and tired of feeling sick and tired and also sleeping downstairs, (he doesn't find the bunkbed comfortable at all).

I, as much as he, can't wait for him to be better again cos it's wearing me down too.


I just hope this ends soon.

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