Busy, busy!

I don't really have time to be sitting around doing this but I thought I'd best put something down as the post I made yesterday vanished into thin air, (my own fault though)!

I got the dude coming over this afternoon to fix the garage door, (finally - it's been broke since before I moved over here) and I have to get to FedEx to ship a watch off to it's new owner.
I also have to get together a lil care package for a friend of mine who's fallen on hard times. Three of us are sending her some presents and she doesn't know a thing about it! I know we're supposed to be saving our pennies but this gal is running short and her needs are greater right now, particularly as she has a lil one about the lil man's age.
I can't decide whether to get her some gift cards or just go onto the grocery store's site and order her some stuff, (they'll deliver to her door).
If I was in England I'd know exactly what to order but people's tastes are different over here.

Oh well, I'll look more closely at the site later and make a decision. *L*

Hubs is finally back to work - he went back yesterday but almost called it quits due to a mistake that his boss made, (which he later corrected her on) so we're still on schedule and the ticker stays!

He's still in some pain, (particularly as he forgot to take his meds to work with him yesterday) and still kipping downstairs but he is getting better.
Hopefully he'll be much better by next week!

Well, now seems like the best time to get my shower as the lil man is busy watching Nick Jr.

Time to get on with the day! *L*

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