Pet peeves

We all have them - those things that irritate the crap out of us no matter what.
Mine happens to be manners and/or ignorance - they're sort of tied together but people who have no manners just rub me up the wrong way - it's not like they cost anything, (neither does a smile but, at times, getting a smile out of someone is like trying to get blood out of a stone)!

Take this morning, for instance, well, ok, it was lunchtime - we can't seem to get ourselves out of the house before lunch too often - we were at the mall, had done what we'd gone there to do and were in the lift on our way back down to the car. We reach the bottom floor and the doors open. Straight away two women got in - didn't wait for us to get out of the lift or even enquire as to whether we were going up, down, in, out or nothing!

I would say I was gobsmacked at this complete and utter disregard for lift etiquette but, I have to admit, I was rather verbal about this total and utter rudeness! They weren't kids and they weren't old - they were somewhere in the middle age range but, bloody hell, I just wanted to bitch-slap some manners into them!

Then, this afternoon, we were on our way out of the bookstore. I was heading towards the doors, pushing the lil man in his stroller and the Hubster was a lil way behind us. This guy also approaches the doors simultaneously - sure, he's got both hands full, (not totally or anything, just one item in each hand, nothing balanced precariously at all) but these doors swing out, not in.
Anyway, all this is noted in a split second and I slow down, assuming he's gonna get the door for me...not happening! This guy is just stood there like a complete tosser waiting for me to open the door!


So, what with the two rude cows at lunchtime still very clear in my head, I swing the stroller around so I can open the door with my butt, (so that's what big bums are good for) and then launch my assault on the second, outside, door, all the time being rather verbal about ignorant assholes.
The guy followed us through the doors and I hope he heard every word!

Honestly, I was in a fairly good mood until I had the bad luck to meet up with these rude, self-centred wankers tits dickheads knobs! They all want a good kicking flogging!!

I rarely go off on one because I really am a very laidback person but things like this or, rather, people like this, soooooo rub me up the wrong way!

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