So, what's been happening?
Firstly, we moved into the little bungalow I mentioned in my last post. We were there for about 14 months.
I got a job which started off part time, not too far from where we lived, which turned into full time at the end of last year. My boss absorbed another company which had done work for us and arranged to lease a couple of units in Plymouth for us to relocate to so it was time for us to look for somewhere else to live.
We moved to a little cottage, (three bedrooms this time) at the end of February and we have never felt so welcome! The village is not far from the first place we lived and everyone here is so friendly - we love living here.
Hubs did his 'Knowledge of Life in the UK' test so that he could apply for his ILR, (£750)!!! That application was sent off a couple of weeks ago so not we just have to sit and wait.
I hate waiting...
Labels: bungalow, cottage, friendly, ILR, knowledge of life in the UK, Plymouth, village, work